07 September 2014

Trying new things...

These days I am really pushing myself to try things out of the box. I've had a some serious struggles the past couple years but I feel like I've learned and grown a lot too. Still have a long way to go like the lyrics in a song that say
"It seems like everywhere I go
The more I see, the less I know"
I'm trying to live a life worth living these days so here are a few pictures of what I've been up to the last few months. Enjoy! 

What am I up to???

I'm up to a lot of things these days! Fortunately, it's usually good things and I'm not getting into much trouble.
I'm back in school as a full time student and I AM going to finish- hopefully by Dec 2015 with an ACTUAL DEGREE instead of just a mish mash of credit hours.
I have around 90something credit hours now from the various schools I've attended (not even counting the Police Academy I went to).
Right now I'm taking some basic courses at Lonestar College that I need to get my BSW at TSU .
I've had higher level math, science, psych, history, blah blah blah... but I still have to take an Intro to computers course, Anatomy (which I avoided by taking Astronomy at Austin Peay) and Texas Government. The courses are a almost 1/2 the price at Lonestar so I'm enrolled at 2 colleges for this year. It's hectic, stressful and a lot of work but it will be worth it in the long run.
Anyway, for those who don't know- TSU is a HBCU (Historically Black College or University).
I'm a "non-traditional" student as it is since I'm in my late 30's and not a fresh out of high school youngin'. I'm also white/Caucasian. A lot of people in my life have been questioning my choice in attending TSU, especially considering my anxiety issues (maybe I'll get into that later- maybe not).
It boils down to this- TSU is a good school with a strong history and it offered the program I wanted and it allows admissions way past the deadlines for many other colleges.
While I have to say my first two weeks have been not the most comfortable it's because of issues I have had with my registration status and because of my own insecurities. The professors and staff have been excellent. Honestly, they're wayyyyy more helpful, interested and engaged than I've experienced at other colleges/universities (coughLonestarcoughcough) especially when it comes to following through. I'm not slamming my instructors this semester at Lonestar (especially the one who may be reading this because it's an assignment!) as I haven't had much interaction with them as yet. I am just saying that my choice to attend a traditionally black university may be unconventional but it's working for me. Haters gonna hate but I'm still just doing my thing.

WOW! I created this blog years ago and completely forgot about it until now. Why now you ask (as if anyone is really reading this)... because I had to create a clog account for a class. It's an Intro to computers class at Lonestar College. Hopefully I can get away with just using this really old one instead of doing another. I'll take a few points off if I have to because I do seriously try to limit my online exposure these days. Lessons learned that maybe I'll share in a future blog (but maybe not if I actually learned the lesson). Anyway- my info has totally, somewhat, kinda changed - well some of it anyway- I'm still a flaming liberal and a perpetual college student. I did take that job with the Sheriff's office and it changed my life in so many ways. I am also no longer married.. funny how I read that old blog that said I was over being a military spouse. Yup- I sure was. That was the beginning of the end of my 16 year marriage. Anywhooooo.. this blog is still about my life, my thoughts and what I find interesting. It's about me because right now what matters in my life is MEEEEEE!

31 October 2008

I want these.
I wish I'd know about them sooner- I would've ordered them for all my friends (especially the bat shit crazy Republican ones).

05 October 2008

So here's my first blog entry. I'm new to this whole blogging thing so give me a break about it. I don't have any concrete plans for subjects or themes for this blog- just general, everyday shit I come across, encounter, think about or whatever.

My life isn't all that interesting but some of my friends and co-workers think it's amusing. Mostly it's just completely dysFUNctional. It's certainly not the life I thought I would be living but it's mine. Mostly it's a good life but there are some really sucky thing. I'll probably focus a lot on the sucky because that is usually the entertaining part. This is definately an adult blog- with adult themes and language. If you're easily offended, do us both a favor and read something else.

The title of the blog- I asked some friends during a recent conversation what I should call my blog and we couldn't come up with a title. A few minutes later, my friend J. said something about us being haters so I just adopted it for the time being. I may change it later- I may not.

A little about me- I'm in my early 30's. Married and a mother of 4. Part of the catharsis for this blog is to have something for me though. I'm not a typical suburban soccer mom. We're liberal parents with sometimes unconventional parenting skills. Sometimes I even suck as a mom and screw up. I don't worry about it. I figure I turned out ok and I do the best I can for my kids. Ultimately, their choices are theirs to make. I can guide them, but I can't control them.

I am more than just a wife and mother. I've been defined by that role for most of my adult life and I'm over it. I love my kids but I am determined to be more than just someones mom.

My husband is in the military but after 15 years, I am over that too. I am tired of the military lifestyle and tired of the endless bullshit. Don't expect this to be a pro military or a typical military spouse blog.

I'm also a flaming liberal democrat. I despise G.W. - think he is quite possibly the worst president in history. I'm interested in politics and committed to my belief system but I don't know as much as I would like to.

I also recently started a new job as a "telecommunicator". Basically- I take calls for the sheriff's department. I take 9-1-1 calls and will (hopefully) dispatch deputies. It's a large agency so the dispatch and radio duties are separate. It's interesting and mostly I like it. There are some frustrations, just like any other job. I'll probably make some blog entries about the interesting things I encounter at work. So far, my co-workers have provided way more entertainment than the callers so don't expect to hear all about the calls in the future.

That's all for now. I might (or might not) post about bleeding anuses tomorrow so stay tuned...

p.s. I know that I shouldn't use ellipses all the time but I like them so I plant to use them frequently and incorrectly- get over it :)